Worries are thoughts usually charged with negativity that causes us anxiety and uneasiness. If you find yourself feeling continuously worried, you are not alone. A high percentage of people experience excessive worry. What can you do today to keep your concerns in check? I’m offering some practical tips that might help you to manage your worries effectively.

With so much change in our everyday life, it is no wonder that many of us feel more worried and insecure than ever before, especially now with the unprecedented levels of uncertainty that we are experiencing.  Finding ways to cope with this feeling in positive ways help us to take control in times of uncertainty.

Sometimes we become habituated to worry about everything, developing repeated patterns of responding to challenges and perceived obstacles. This tendency might keep us stuck and helpless, keeping us from tapping into our inner resources.

“Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles, it takes away today’s peace.”

Very few people display the determination and the necessary willpower to impact their destiny. Instead, they feel like victims of the circumstances that seem to disadvantage them most of the time. Managing worries is an important life skill. Here are some simple ways to deal with excessive worry.

  1. Identify your triggers. What causes you to worry? Name your emotions and recognize the way you are feeling.
  2. Write down your worries and troubleshoot potential solutions, rather than focusing on the worst scenarios.
  3. Learn to embrace uncertainty knowing that it is impossible to predict all circumstances in your life
  4. Find ways to uplift your mood. Switching to more positive emotions will help you stay more motivated and optimistic.
  5. Manage the times when you worry by scheduling specific periods in your day to engage with this type of mental activity.
  6. Think of other possibilities by asking yourself: What if, considering solutions that you have not been willing to see before.
  7. Remember how you managed problems in the past. What worked? What didn’t?
  8. Write down one single step that you will be willing to take to solve the potential issue.
  9. Build your emotional resilience by staying healthy and practice self-care.

You can rise from your mental tendencies by overcoming the habits of worrying and imagining the worst of possibilities.

“It is possible to choose peace over worry.”

Instead, I invite you to transform your worries into action by proactively taking steps to resolve your issues. Trust your inner guidance and know that managing your worries, will help you feel more in control of your own life.



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