Mid-Life Career Coach | Leadership & Executive Coach

Career Development Consultant | HR Consultant


Transform Your Career Challenges into Growth to Maximize Your Potential 

Career crossroads and setbacks are an inevitable part of our professional journey. Coaching provides a safe space to explore what is holding you back. As your coach, I will not just support you through challenging times, but actively encourage you to recognize and activate your potential.

Please contact me at to schedule a discovery session to discuss your specific need and desired outcomes.


We start wondering if what we do all day long is worth doing. Since our careers take so much of our living years, career dissatisfaction can become an important area of frustration if unresolved. 

Even when there might be multiple sources of career dissatisfaction, most professionals feel stuck in a rut, demotivated, or even confused at midlife. Are you experiencing any of these career challenges? I can help.

You're not getting promoted

And wonder what is next after trying so many times to apply to jobs in your current company.

Getting passed over for a promotion can be disheartening, especially when you don’t get a clear explanation for why you didn’t get it. Coaching opens a safe space for an in-depth exploration of the covert dynamics undermining your success and how to overcome them.

You want to change careers but find it unpractical

After investing so much time and money developing in your current field. 

You might be longing to explore other vocational paths to expand your horizons. Working with a career coach experienced in helping professionals successfully pivoting, gives you peace of mind when making such an important decision. I changed careers after 50, and know what it takes.

You're not getting traction in your job campaign

Despite your efforts applying to jobs, you’re getting ghosted by recruiters and hiring managers.

Losing a job is one of the most stressful events in an adult’s life. Ironically, finding a job can be an intricate process. As an experienced career transition coach, I will help you prepare with greater clarity, focused energy, confidence, and enhanced personal brand, so you can land a great job that is ideal for you.

You feel you don't have what it takes to succeed

Impressive qualifications and credentials are not enough to make you feel confident at work.

Self-doubt and imposter syndrome permeate the workplace, but women, especially women of color, are particularly likely to experience it. You don’t need to continue second-guessing yourself when you know you have what it takes. I help career women of color own their strengths to overcome their self-defeating tendencies and claim what they deserve.


You are a fantastic coach with a plethora of tools and resources that enabled me to grow, develop, & succeed. You are so powerful and gifted in your delivery! I am a living example of the benefit of your coaching. Your process and tools helped me get selected for and land the new job I currently occupy. We connected when I was in a professional storm and the pandemic, but you brought me through, so much so that my outcome was successful. I gained clarity, confidence, and motivation, in addition to so much more, from our weekly sessions. I am forever grateful to you, Mari! E. Anderson, March 2020. 


Mari J. Perez, M.A., is career and personal development coach, leadership trainer and sought-after speaker. She has 22 years of corporate experience in global organizations as a Talent Development Consultant and Human Resources Manager. Drawing from her experience, Mari will implement relevant solutions for the challenges you are facing.

She speaks to leaders and professional women on topics of professional excellence and personal leadership. Her signature speeches are: The Power of a Vision and the Mini Lectures Series in Personal Leadership. For additional topics for keynote speakers and lunch and learns, contact Mari J at 

The Power of Vision: Three Keys to Mastering Your Results

A personal vision statement is an energetic blueprint for an aspirational future, providing direction and meaning. Envisioning the future and becoming emotionally involved with our vision on a daily basis can create sustained success.

Having a clear personal vision will serve to establish clarity around your values and priorities. In this talk Mari J will a present proven, reliable and repeatable system for accelerating your  results in business and life.

The Power Series: Twelve Mini Lectures in Personal Leadership

Personal leadership is a life attitude that comes from the inspiration of a vision. A journey, in search of excellence igniting the power within leads to a personal trans-formation for the leader and their teams.

This mini lecture series is designed to provide awareness and inspiration to those business owners interested in elevating their leadership. Some of the topics include: The Power of Purpose; The Power of Befriending Fear; The Power of Overcoming Adversity; The Power of a Growth Mindset; The Power of Persistence.

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