Are You a Perfectionist Leader?

Are You a Perfectionist Leader?

Perfectionism is a broad personality style characterized by a person’s concern with striving for flawlessness and perfection and is accompanied by critical self-evaluations and concerns regarding others’ evaluations Chances are that at some point in your...
Why You Need a Leadership Brand

Why You Need a Leadership Brand

The topic of Personal Brand has become well-known in the business world in the last years. I have been an advocate for the idea of using marketing principles to create intentional exchanges with others that matter. When I was at TD Williamson, I presented this topic...
Pulling Out of a Downward Spiral as a Leader

Pulling Out of a Downward Spiral as a Leader

Leadership Series Emotional Intelligence is the ability to recognize and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others. It encompasses Emotional Self-Awareness; Emotional Self-Regulation; Social Awareness, and; Relationship Management.  There is consensus...
Are You a Leader In Autopilot?

Are You a Leader In Autopilot?

We are on autopilot when we do something without thinking or with minimum effort. How many times have we interacted with others feeling distracted or even annoyed about having to spend precious time in those conversations? According to Bauback Yeganeh, acting...
Are You a Mindful Leader?

Are You a Mindful Leader?

Leadership Series – Managing Self  As a leader, where do you spend most of your time? In the past, in the present, or the future? If you are not sure how to respond to this question, it could be because you are not fully aware.  “Become fully...
How Self-Awareness Can Help You Become a Better Leader

How Self-Awareness Can Help You Become a Better Leader

Leadership Series – Managing Self Self-awareness is the ability to identify own beliefs, feelings, and emotions is a critical component for leadership success. You can become more purposeful when you know yourself well. You can better lead your team toward the shared...
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