Six Ideas to Manage Peer Relationships at Work

Six Ideas to Manage Peer Relationships at Work

Peer-coworker relationships refer to relationships between employees at the same hierarchical level with no formal authority over one another. This type of workplace relationship receives little attention compared to managing up and down. Yet, the quality and...
The Proactive Job Seeker

The Proactive Job Seeker

Career Transition Series Habit 1 is the habit of choice, of being proactive, meaning that we are in charge of our lives and can choose our responses and behaviors in response to external events. Losing a job is an unfortunate event for which most of us are unprepared....
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Job Seekers

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Job Seekers

Career Transition Series The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey is a classic that stays relevant with time promoting personal effectiveness and principles-based living.  Losing a job requires that we take charge of the unexpected. That...
Tips to Effectively Manage Your Manager

Tips to Effectively Manage Your Manager

We all have had terrible bosses, incompetent and or toxic. Tales of our worst bosses make it an excellent topic for sharing with friends and colleagues. It sounds so familiar because most of us have had trouble with bosses at some point in our careers. There is even...
Four Ideas to Access Your Best Thinking

Four Ideas to Access Your Best Thinking

We feel very pressured to squeeze more work into our days. When the stakes are high, we push ourselves to work continuously for extended periods, depleting our physical and mental resources—no wonder we feel overworked and overwhelmed. We cannot produce our best work...
Three Signs You Have Too Much Work and What to Do About It

Three Signs You Have Too Much Work and What to Do About It

Capacity is the maximum amount that something or someone can contain. In my multiple conversations with leaders, I often hear about them feeling overwhelmed and overworked feeling as being at max capacity most of the time. The statistics reveal that at least one in...
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