Six Ways to Advocate for Your Career Success.

Six Ways to Advocate for Your Career Success.

Self-Advocacy is the ability to speak up effectively on our behalf to bring forward our interests, needs, and rights so that we can achieve career success.  However, many of us feel uncomfortable advocating for ourselves for one reason or another. Women tend...
What Career Conversations Can Do for You

What Career Conversations Can Do for You

The topic of employee retention is very relevant in a time when organizations are struggling with skills gap shortages. Over the last year, the rate of job quitting in the United States has reached highs not seen since before. This phenomenon called The Great...
Disempower Your Inner Critic and Reclaim Your Confidence

Disempower Your Inner Critic and Reclaim Your Confidence

 Confidence is a state of mind of having a belief in oneself, the conviction of having what it takes to succeed. It requires a realistic sense of one’s capabilities and a positive self-image without being arrogant. Multiple factors can erode someone’s...
My Own Seven Steps to Mid-Life Career Reinvention

My Own Seven Steps to Mid-Life Career Reinvention

Midlife is that time in our lives that calls for pondering our first half and deciding what is next. Most of us find ourselves disappointed and wondering about the unlived or even unexplored. Since we identify so much with our professions, dissatisfaction in this area...
Fulfill Your Vocation in the Second Half of Life.

Fulfill Your Vocation in the Second Half of Life.

Since our jobs consume such a big part of our living years, it is not surprising that our careers significantly influence our life satisfaction. According to the life span theory, the first part of adulthood is about choosing a career, entering a professional field,...
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