Elevate Your Leadership Presence in Four Steps

Elevate Your Leadership Presence in Four Steps

A leader’s most important call is the capacity to influence others positively and rally them around a worthy goal, at home, at work, and in the community. In episode # 1 of the Resilient Leadership Podcast, Bridgette Theurer says, “a leader can lead...
LOL More to Enhance Your Leadership Brand

LOL More to Enhance Your Leadership Brand

Humor is an essential element of life and work. Recently I told a colleague that I wanted to laugh more and bring more fun to my days. So, I decided to explore what it would mean to bring more joy and laughter to the workplace and how leaders can use humor appropriate...
The Art and the Science of Leading with Ease & Flow

The Art and the Science of Leading with Ease & Flow

Twenty-seven years have passed since, in 1995, Daniel Goleman first published his book Emotional Intelligence (EI). Since it became popular in recent decades, multiple theories and methods of developing EI have been widely available and pursued by...
How to Manage Detractors When You Are the New Leader

How to Manage Detractors When You Are the New Leader

Building relationship capital should be a top priority for senior leaders joining a new organization because they had left behind years of building alliances that contributed to their success.  Imagine that is your case, and you are joining your dream...
Four Contributions Latina Leaders Bring to the Workplace

Four Contributions Latina Leaders Bring to the Workplace

Latinas are underrepresented in positions of leadership. A study from the Pew Center revealed that Hispanics occupy only over 4 percent of executive functions, and from that, only (1) percent are Latinas. One challenge is to understand the problems...
Why Your Voice Matters at Work

Why Your Voice Matters at Work

Having a voice is a phrase with different meanings. It is not just about our physical voice but also the place within us from which we speak. Even if we do not like how we sound, we might get over it and use our voice when we know we have an important message to...
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